July Newsletter: This month’s round-up of Music Aptitude Test-related questions.

Hi friends – hope you are all enjoying the start of the Summer holidays. I am gearing up for a trip to Australia to meet my in-laws for the very first time. Wish me luck! I have lots of space for Music Aptitude Test tutoring online at the moment but I will be taking a break whilst I am away. However this does not mean that lessons will stop as my colleague Mirna is offering lots of 1-to-1 lessons on Zoom for music scholarship preparation. As always you can book all of these slots on Eventbrite. All available times for August are now online. We have not yet thought ahead to September so if you are keen for dates in those months, follow our Eventbrite organiser profile and you will get an email as soon as new dates are released.

As always my inbox has been ON FIRE lately with Music Aptitude Test questions. I must admit I haven’t had much of a chance to check emails this week as I have been hitting the gym hard preparing for a Strongman competition in September(!). Here’s some of this week’s questions that you can also find answered on our Frequently Asked Questions page along with lots more questions.


Hello there,

I’ve just come across your site whilst looking for some extra help for my son.

We are wanting to apply for music aptitude at Kingsdale and Haberdashers Hatcham this autumn and would love to get a steer of where he is at. He’s been playing the violin with his school for a few years and plays once a week with the school orchestra. He also has a lesson once a week.

Can you advise what kind of help you may be able to offer / availability etc?


Good Afternoon ,

My daughter will be sitting the music exam for Twyford’s , she is currently at grade 4 piano but I understand the test is different ,

Do you offer any lessons to help them prepare for the test ?

Lorraine writes: Twyford uses the standard 60-question Music Aptitude Test. Their test dates were not available as of 28 July but they usually do Round 1 in early October and Round 2 in mid-October.


Dear team,
I hope all is well. I couldn’t find a phone number to call and I came through your website as I’m looking for some lessons before the entry exams and hope you can help
We are looking for singing category, so hope this is something you do?
Grateful if you can let me know please and if easier to call, then my phone number is XX


We’d love to call everyone that requests a phone call but it simply isn’t possible to make this many phone calls which is why we don’t have a number available online otherwise our phone would be ringing off the hook in peak enquiry season. When I’m not teaching or at the gym I’m on my bicycle as I can’t drive so answering calls is impossible. However we do offer a paid phone call service if you are not yet ready to commit to booking a 1-to-1 lesson and there is more information about this here. These are scheduled phone calls at a time convenient to us both.


Good Afternoon 

I just purchased some tests but I do not know if I have bought the right thing. For Watford grammar the tests are: as follows. Do you cover all the below? (The person emailing inserted a graphic stating the list of tests as follows: Pitch, Melody, Texture and Rhythm).


We sure do cover exactly that in our download materials as you can see on our web site homepage graphic that I have included in my answer. Do take a moment to browse the visuals on the web site as we have done our best to make the information as clear and concise as possible. The test materials are currently on sale at £29.99 instead of £39.99 (this offer is valid for all of August 2023). Click here to download!

Music Aptitude Test section info


We offer 1-to-1 lessons online:

Here is what we cover in 1-to-1- lessons, tailored to the needs of your chosen schools.

I hope you found this week’s question round-up useful. I’ll be back again in August with any further updates. In the meantime don’t forget to book your online lesson with us on Eventbrite before we get to the frenzied season when all the last minute panic preparation sets in. Please don’t stress your child out by preparing last minute – make the most of the remaining five weeks of the Summer term to prepare in a calm and relaxed manner and we will do our best to help you feel confident and ready for the test.

Have a great break, see you when I am back from Australia!

PS Have you seen our competition on Instagram to win a free Zoom lesson for Music Scholarship preparation? Enter now – no entries so far so your odds of winning are high!

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